Otwarcie boiska przy Zespole Szkół Specjalnych w Wolsztynie.

Dnia 25 maja 2016 roku o godzinie 14.00, odbyło się uroczyste otwarcie boiska szkolnego (sportowego) przy Zespole Szkół Specjalnych w Wolsztynie.

Uroczystego przecięcia wstęgi dokonał Starosta Wolsztyński, Janusz Frąckowiak.
Zaproszeni goście: Kierownik Wydziału Architektury i Budownictwa Starostwa Powiatowego w Wolsztynie Ewa Piechowiak, asystent Zarządu Powiatu Katarzyna Łuczak, pełniąca obowiązki dyrektora Powiatowego Centrum Pomocy Rodzinie Anna Białek, Dyrektor Powiatowej Poradni Psychologiczno-Pedagogicznej w Wolsztynie Magdalena Molicka, Dyrektor Zespołu Szkół Ogólnokształcących w Wolsztynie Katarzyna Lulkiewicz,
uczniowie i nauczyciele obejrzeli pokaz taneczny przygotowany przez cheerleaderki z gimnazjum.
Na nowej nawierzchni boiska został rozegrany przez uczniów gimnazjum pierwszy mecz piłki nożnej.

IMG_9490The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name.
IMG_9493The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name.IMG_9499The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_9500The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_9501The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name.IMG_9504The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_9508The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_9509The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. img_9509-1The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name.IMG_9514The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_9513The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_9511The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name.IMG_9518The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. img_9524-1The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_9524The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_9523The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_9522The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name.

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