Z wizytą u strażaków

4 maja kl.6au była na wycieczce w Powiatowej Komendzie Państwowej Straży Pożarnej w Wolsztynie. Uczniowie mieli okazję zobaczyć nowy budynek remizy strażackiej oraz obejrzeli sprzęt do ratownictwa oraz gaszenia pożarów.
IMG_3776The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3870The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3766The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3768The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3773The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3793The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3783The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3790The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3834The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3831The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name.
Odważni chłopcy wsiedli również do wozu strażackiego i przy włączonych sygnałach dźwiękowych i błyskowych przez moment mogli poczuć się jak strażacy jadący do pożaru.
IMG_3777The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3776The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name.

Dużą atrakcją było obejrzenie zjazdu strażaka po ześlizgu, z którego korzystają strażacy, kiedy spieszą się na akcję ratowniczą.
IMG_3861The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3859The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3860The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name.

Największym zainteresowaniem cieszył się domek pokazowy, w którym uczniowie mieli zaprezentowaną symulację pożaru oraz zobaczyli co powoduje pożar i jak się on rozprzestrzenia.
IMG_3805The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3799The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3800The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3817The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3818The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3804The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3807The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3809The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3810The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3811The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3815The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3826The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3820The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name.

Na zakończenie tego ciekawego spotkania uczniowie 6 kl.au złożyli życzenia z okazji Dnia Strażaka i podziękowali za ciekawe spotkanie.
IMG_3864The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3862The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3868The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name. IMG_3867The alt text for this image is the same as the title. In most cases, that means that the alt attribute has been automatically provided from the image file name.

                             Opracowanie: wych. kl 6au Alicja Matysik

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